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60 day money-back
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60 day money-back


1. What is water balancing & treatment & why do I need it?

Water balancing & treatment is a three-fold process

All three processes must align to provide pristine clean water.

  1. Water Balancing - simplesilver™ balances the waters pH, alkalinity, total dissolved solids & limits the formation of scale & corrosion.
  2. Water Treatment - Chlorine is used to control the bacterial levels.
  3. Filtration - The correct volume of water must pass through the filters to effectively remove any skin, perspiration, oils, lotions, hair, water salts, dust, dirt & other foreign matter.

1. Water Balancing

simplesilver™ automatically balances the water by managing the following:

  • pH
  • Alkalinity
  • Total dissolved solids
  • Scale
  • Corrosion

2. Water Treatment

  • Chlorine controls the bacterial levels

3. Filtration

As water passes through the filters & you cleaning these, they remove the following:

  • Skin
  • Perspiration
  • Oils
  • Lotions
  • Hair
  • Water salts
  • Dust
  • Dirt
  • Any other foreign matter

2. Health & Safety

  • Since 2003, simplesilver™ has been assessed by AsureQuality for safety as a spa pool water balancer.
  • simplesilver™ must be used in accordance with our website instructions - refer to our "Getting Started" section.



  • These issues are an indication that bacteria or fungus is present in the water & this could be detrimental to your health, skin & well-being.
  • Please click here for "Troubleshooting" solutions, refer to 1.2 & 3.1 to 3.5 to rectify your problem.

When using simplesilver™ the water should always be crystal clear & odourless.

  • When using simplesilver™, you can use any recommended spa pool water testing products.
  • Please follow the manufacturers instructions for testing frequency.
  • No. The minerals in simplesilver™ will not damage or affect your swimwear.

3. What affect will simplesilver™ have on my skin, hair & jewellery?

  • simplesilver™ is a combination of naturally occurring, environmentally friendly minerals which appear to have a positive effect on the skin.
  • Many customers who have skin problems such as eczema & psoriasis have experienced relief without inflammation when using simplesilver™. They highly recommend simplesilver™ for skin ailment suffers. "click here to view customer testimonials"
  • Other customers also comment that it makes their skin feel much softer after bathing in simplesilver™.
  • No. With simplesilver™, you don't need to worry about the water damaging your hair.
  • When using simplesilver™, there's no need to worry about it damaging or tarnishing your jewellery. In fact, many people find that they leave the spa pool with their jewellery looking brighter & more sparkly than before.

4. How does simplesilver™ work?

  • As the correct amount of water flows over the simplesilver™ tablet, the naturally occurring, environmentally friendly minerals are released automatically at a constant & controlled rate. This ensures 12-months of pristine water.
  • These minerals, including a very small amount of silver oxide, combine to balance the waters pH, alkalinity, total dissolved solids, limiting the formation of scale & corrosion.
  • They also help precipitate contaminants such as skin, perspiration, oils, lotions, hair, water salts & any other foreign matter which your filters remove & then by you cleaning these.
  • After about a 6 week period, the simplesilver™ minerals also soften any other hardened salts that may have lined the insides of the pipes, jets & equipment, such as calcium carbonate (scale). Any softened scale within the system is then detached & removed by the water passing over it. These calcium salts (scale) are held transparently within the spa pool water, then removed via the filters & you cleaning these.
  • Any corrosion that may be present beneath the scale is exposed & then removed, limiting & slowing the process.
  • Once the system is clean, simplesilver™ then coats the insides of the pipes & equipment limiting further build-up of scale. Therefore your pump & heater will operate more effectively & efficiently.
  • Once you have set up your filter circulation pump correctly & the filters are clean, simplesilver™ automatically balances the water by managing the pH, alkalinity, total dissolved solids, limiting the formation of scale & corrosion.
  • A small amount of chlorine must be added after use to comply with local & government guidelines to control the bacterial levels.
  • When using simplesilver™ the pH level is automatically controlled between 7.6 to 8.0.
  • Yes you do.
  • A small amount of chlorine must be added after use to comply with local & government guidelines to control the bacterial levels.
  • simplesilver™ will automatically balance the water by managing the pH, alkalinity, total dissolved solids, limiting the formation of scale & corrosion.

Due to a large number of people bathing continuously in a small volume of water, there will be an excess of skin, perspiration, oils, lotions, hair, water salts, dust, dirt & other foreign matter that has built up in the water, it may make the water cloudy.

  • After heavy use & the water is not pristine, we recommend operating all jets as many times as possible.
  • This process quickly removes the contamination from the water instead of waiting for the next filter cycle.
  • The contamination is then removed from the water into the filters.
  • Depending on the amount of contamination, the filters may need to be cleaned daily until the water is returned to a pristine condition.
  • The filters must be cleaned with a filter sanitising solution, as water alone is ineffective.
  • While the filters are removed, with a cloth & container of water (to rinse the cloth), wipe the insides of the filter cavity & housing area.
  • This area is commonly overlooked & can be a cause of unpleasant odours & slippery feeling sides.
  • Make sure the filters are dry before reintroducing these as the filter fibres will expand making these more effective.
  • Dry filters also stops the water from foaming.
  • Then after reintroducing the clean filters into the water, we recommend adding a small amount of chlorine.
  • Yes, a small amount of chlorine must be added after use to comply with local & government guidelines to control the bacterial levels.
  • The chlorine family of chemicals is compatible with simplesilver™.
  • However, bromine cannot be used with simplesilver™. If you have been treating your spa pool with bromine, you will need to drain the water as the simplesilver™ tablet will react with this chemical & turn your spa pool water grey.
  • Then follow "Getting Started - Step 1- Installation Process"
  • simplesilver™ will keep your spa pool clear for 12 months as the minerals are released into the water at a constant & controlled rate.
  • If you remove your simplesilver™ tablet & store it in a clean & dry area, the simplesilver™ tablet will last for the remaining period of the 12 months when reinstalled into the water.
  • No.
  • Over the 12 month period of use, the simplesilver™ minerals are released into the water at a constant & controlled rate.
  • At the end of this 12 month period, the substrate still remains.
  • The simplesilver™ tablet will look & weigh much the same.

5. How do I use simplesilver™?

  • Just place your simplesilver™ tablet anywhere in the spa pool water, set the filter pump timer for the correct duration & make sure the filters are clean.
  • A small amount of chlorine must be added after use to comply with local & government guidelines to control the bacterial levels.
  • Place the simplesilver™ tablet anywhere in your spa pool that is convenient for you, but please ensure it is fully immersed in the water.
  • With the filter pump timer set correctly & clean filters, irrespective of where the tablet is placed, water will flow though the simplesilver™ tablet & automatically release its minerals at a constant & controlled rate to balance the water.
  • Yes.
  • If your spa pool has an ozone system fitted, leave this on as this compliments the simplesilver™ water balancing process.
  • An ozone system is not required or necessary if one is not fitted.
  • Yes.
  • When using simplesilver™ don't worry, it will automatically balance the water regardless.
  • Just make sure the filter pump continues to operate as normal & complete a filter change before you depart.
  • simplesilver™ is not temperature dependent, so you can turn the temperature down or switch the heater off completely.
  • If you decide to drain the spa pool, please remove your simplesilver™ tablet & store it in a clean & dry area.
  • When the simplesilver™ tablet is reinstalled into the water, it will last for the remaining unused period of the original 12 months.

6. How do I get started?

You need to find out how much water is in your spa pool.

  • If you don't know your spa pools water volume, we recommend you contact your spa pool supplier or manufacturer to get an accurate value for your make & model.
  • The majority of domestic spa pools contain less than 1,500 litres of water.
  • Therefore most spa pools only need 1 x 500 gram simplesilver™ tablet to automatically balance a spa pool with 1,500 litres of water or less for a 12 month period.
  • Every 1500 litres of water requires a 500 gram tablet of simplesilver™.
  • For example, if your spa pool has more than 1500 litres of water & less than 3000 litres of water you will need a 1kg simplesilver™ tablet.
  • The simplesilver™ tablets come in two sizes, 500gm or 1kg tablets.
  • To make things easier, we have already calculated the required filter circulation pump durations for some spa pool makes & models & have simplified their set-up procedures.
  • Click here to view the "Controller Settings"

Don't know your filter pump flow rate - Haven't got the controller manual?

  • If you don't know what the filter pumps flow rate is, firstly contact your spa pool manufacturer or dealer to obtain this value in litres per minute. If all else fails, remove the equipment side panel & check the filter pump name plate for this information.
  • If you haven't got a controller manual or the dealer can't assist, use the internet, as most controller manuals are available online.

How to Calculate the Required Filter Pump Flow Rate

  • It is critical that your filter circulation pump circulates 100,000 litres of water daily.
  • This ensures the correct amount of simplesilver™ minerals are released automatically at a constant & controlled rate into the water to effectively balance the pH, alkalinity, total dissolved solids, bacteria & scale & corrosion.
  • It is also vitally important that this volume of water can be passed through the filters. This filtration water volume ensures that any skin, perspiration, oils, lotions, hair, water salts, dust, dirt & other foreign matter are removed from the water.
  • This process ensures that the water condition & clarity is maintained.

Calculation Process

  1. Start with the flow rate in litres per minute
  2. Next, multiply this amount by 60 to get litres per hour
  3. Divide this by 100,000 litres, which will then give you the number of hours needed for the pump to operate over a 24-hour period
  4. Then simply set the spa pool filter circulation pump controller for this number of hours per day

An Example

Your calculation will be as follows:

  1. If your filter circulation pump flow rate is 150 litres per minute
  2. 150 litres per minute x 60 minutes = 9000 litres per hour
  3. A flow rate of 100,000 litres is needed per day, then divide this by 9000 litres per hour = 11.11 hours
  4. Set your filter circulation pump controller to operate for 11 hours each day
  • No.
  • However, if you have been using bromine, then you will need to drain & replace the water prior to starting the simplesilver™ water balancing process.
  • Bromine is incompatible with simplesilver™ as silver reacts with bromine causing water previously treated with bromine to turn grey.
  • Please see the section on "Getting Started"
  • simplesilver™ is not temperature dependent, so you can turn the heater off completely or set the temperature controller as low or high to suit your circumstances.
  • As long as the filter circulation pump is operational & set correctly, the filters clean, your spa pool water will be maintained in a pristine odourless condition.
  • Please refer to the "Getting Started" section for more information.
  • No - there is no manual.
  • In the simplesilver™ packaging, there is a green instruction card directing you to visit our website's "Getting Started" section at top of the home page.
  • This provides the simple - 3 Step - process & information needed to set-up your spa pool.

7. The importance of the filter pump when using simplesilver™

  • The filter circulation pump undertakes two very important functions.
  • It is vitally important that filter pump operates daily so that 100,000 litres of water can be passed through the filters.
  1. This filtration water volume ensures that any skin, perspiration, oils, lotions, hair, water salts, dust, dirt & other foreign matter are removed from the water, maintaining the water condition & clarity.
  2. During the filter pump cycle, the simplesilver™ minerals must also have this volume of water flowing over the simplesilver™ tablet to automatically release its minerals at a constant & controlled rate to control & balance the spa pool water.

Note: If the spa pool water volume is diminished or compromised by a blocked filter or an incorrectly set filter pump timer, then the water will not be in pristine condition.

  • No.
  • If you have set your filter circulation pump to deliver more than 100,000 litres over a 24-hour period, this will not provide better water quality.
  • Refer to our section on "Controller Settings"
  • Too much water circulation flow can have adverse effects to your spa pool water.
  • A flow rate of above 130,000 litres per day can cause the water to become unstable, a little cloudy & a foam will form around the edge of the spa pool which looks a little bit like grey frothy sea foam.
  • Yes - This is a good idea.
  • We recommend that you operate the massage jets or the filter pump when leaving the spa pool. This will enable a quick clean-up of the spa pool water.
  • If your spa pool has a clean cycle function or a pump with an auto off timer function, use these.

8. Why is it vital to clean & maintain my filters?

Filters play a critical role in spa pool water treatment.

The water treatment process is two-fold & these must both align to provide pristine, clear & clean water.

  1. Filtration
  2. Water Management
  • It is vitally important irrespective of the water treatment product used, that the filter pump operates daily so that the correct volume of spa pool water (100,000 litres) can be passed through the filters to maintain the water condition & clarity.
  • This filtration process removes any skin, perspiration, oils, lotions, hair, water salts, dust, dirt & other foreign matter from the water.
  • simplesilver™ then automatically balances the waters pH, alkalinity, total dissolved solids, scale & corrosion.

For example:

  • If the filters become 50% blocked, then during the filter cycle only 50% of the water will circulate, releasing only 50% of the simplesilver™ minerals.
  • Therefore simplesilver™ will be only 50% effective.
  • Also, when the filters are 50% blocked, they will also affect the water clarity & quality. Therefore only 50% of any skin, perspiration, oils, lotions, hair, water salts, dust, dirt & other foreign matter will be removed from the water.

Note: When the filters are blocked, this can make the water cloudy & smelly, irrespective of the water treatment products used.


  • At least every two weeks - clean your filters using a filter sanitising solution. Water alone is ineffective in cleaning the filters as it cannot breakdown any skin, perspiration, oils, lotions, hair, water salts, dust, dirt & any other foreign matter.
  • Your spa pool retailer can advise you on the best sanitising treatment for your filters.
  • While the filters are removed, with a cloth & a bucket of water (to rinse the cloth), clean the insides of the filter cavity & housing. This area is commonly overlooked & may have a build-up of skin, perspiration, oils, lotions, hair, water salts, dust, dirt & other foreign matter.
  • This can be a cause of unpleasant odours & slippery sides. It is very important to clean this area each time the filters are cleaned & replaced.
  • Best practice is to let the filters dry after cleaning these prior to reintroducing into the water. This allows the filter fibres to expand & will make the filters more efficient to remove contaminates & other particles from the water.
  • To make life easier, it’s a good idea to have a spare set of filters as this will save you time & effort, then at least every two weeks just change them over & clean the removed set.
  • Filters generally have a life of about 12 months after which they will saturate, you will be unable to clean these further & they will be ineffective. At this point they will need to be replaced.

At least every two weeks

  • Clean your filters using a filter sanitising solution. Water alone is ineffective in cleaning the filters as it cannot breakdown any skin, perspiration, oils, lotions, hair, water salts, dust, dirt & any other foreign matter.
  • Your spa pool retailer can advise you on the best sanitising treatment for your filters.
  • While the filters are removed, with a cloth & a bucket of water (to rinse the cloth), clean the insides of the filter cavity & housing. This area is commonly overlooked & may have a build-up of skin, perspiration, oils, lotions, hair, water salts, dust, dirt & other foreign matter.
  • This can be a cause of unpleasant odours & slippery sides. It is very important to clean this area each time the filters are cleaned & replaced.


  • Partially blocked filters will affect the spa pool water quality & clarity. This will also limit the amount of simplesilver™ minerals being automatically released into the spa pool to effectively balance the water.
  • If the filters become 50% blocked, then during the filter cycle only 50% of the water will circulate, releasing only 50% of the simplesilver™ minerals.
  • Therefore simplesilver™ will be only 50% effective.
  • Also, when the filters are 50% blocked, they will also affect the water clarity & quality. Therefore only 50% of any skin, perspiration, oils, lotions, hair, water salts, dust, dirt & other foreign matter will be removed from the water.
  • When the filters are blocked, this can make the water cloudy & smelly, irrespective of the water treatment products used.
  • Best practice is to let the filters dry after cleaning these prior to reintroducing into the water. This allows the filter fibres to expand & will make the filters more efficient to remove contaminates & other particles from the water.
  • Filters generally have a life of about 12-months after which they will saturate, then you will be unable to clean these further & they will be ineffective. At this point they will need to be replaced.
  • To make life easier, it’s a good idea to have a spare set of filters as this will save you time & effort, then at least every two weeks just change them over & clean the removed set.

With a filter sanitising solution - at least every two weeks

  • Clean your filters using a filter sanitising solution. Water alone is ineffective in cleaning the filters as it cannot breakdown any skin, perspiration, oils, lotions, hair, water salts, dust, dirt & any other foreign matter.
  • Your spa pool retailer can advise you on the best sanitising treatment for your filters.
  • While the filters are removed, with a cloth & a bucket of water (to rinse the cloth), clean the insides of the filter cavity & housing. This area is commonly overlooked & may have a build-up of skin, perspiration, oils, lotions, hair, water salts, dust, dirt & other foreign matter.
  • This can be a cause of unpleasant odours & slippery sides. It is very important to clean this area each time the filters are cleaned & replaced.


  • Partially blocked filters will affect the spa pool water quality & clarity. This will also limit the amount of simplesilver™ minerals being automatically released into the spa pool to effectively balance the water.
  • If the filters become 50% blocked, then during the filter cycle only 50% of the water will circulate, releasing only 50% of the simplesilver™ minerals.
  • Therefore simplesilver™ will be only 50% effective.
  • Also, when the filters are 50% blocked, they will also affect the water clarity & quality. Therefore only 50% of any skin, perspiration, oils, lotions, hair, water salts, dust, dirt & other foreign matter will be removed from the water.
  • When the filters are blocked, this can make the water cloudy & smelly, irrespective of the water treatment products used.
  • Best practice is to let the filters dry after cleaning these prior to reintroducing into the water. This allows the filter fibres to expand & will make the filters more efficient to remove contaminates & other particles from the water.
  • Filters generally have a life of about 12-months after which they will saturate, then you will be unable to clean these further & they will be ineffective. At this point they will need to be replaced.
  • To make life easier, it’s a good idea to have a spare set of filters as this will save you time & effort, then at least every two weeks just change them over & clean the removed set.

A simple test to determine whether your filter is partially blocked:

  • While the filter circulation pump is operational & with all the jets open, visually check to see the amount of bubbles or feel the water pressure/volume that the pump is circulating.
  • With the pump still operating, remove the filters. If the bubbles or water pressure/volume increase, this would indicate that there is a restriction in water flow from a partially blocked filter.
  • We recommended cleaning the filters at least every two weeks using a filter sanitising solution as water alone will not clean these.
  • Filters have a life of about 12-months & will eventually block up.
  • Once the filters are blocked, they will no longer be effective or able to be cleaned. This will affect the water quality & limit the amount of simplesilver™ minerals released into the water to automatically balance the water.
  • Filters have a life of about 12-months & will eventually block up. Once the filters are blocked, they will no longer be effective or usable.
  • As outlined in (“How do I clean my filters") - ("Why do I need to clean the filters”), filters play a very critical role in water maintenance, so buying new ones regularly is essential to ensuring pristine water.
  • To make life easier, saving you time & effort, you might consider buying a spare set of filters & alternating these so that one set is always clean & available to be swapped into the spa pool when needed.

9. What impact does simplesilver™ have on the environment?

  • simplesilver™ uses naturally occurring, environmentally friendly minerals, replacing the wide variety of chemicals that are customarily used for spa pool water balancing. The minerals combine to balance the waters pH, alkalinity, total dissolved solids, limiting the formation of scale & corrosion.
  • When using simplesilver™, you won't need to replace the water as often as is necessary when using traditional water treatments.
  • This saves water, energy to reheat & your time.
  • simplesilver™ is not temperature dependent, so you can switch the heater off when away or during any unused periods, saving you money & saving energy.
  • You can drain the water directly into the garden or storm water system without effecting the environment as it contains no hazardous chemicals.
  • The outer case of the simplesilver™ tablet is made from polypropylene plastic & is Number 5 on the plastic recycling table. Please check with your local authority to see if this is recyclable & how it should be dispensed.
  • We are currently in the process of developing an environmentally friendly robust case for the simplesilver™ tablet.

For more information, see "Eco-friendly"

  • "I have to compliment you on this product. I bought one hoping it would work as it sounded just so simple, almost too good to be true. However, I am about to buy my third and I just cannot praise Simplesilver highly enough. It is simple, it is effective and a pleasure to soak in my hot tub knowing I'm not absorbing nasty chemicals. Thank you. "
    - Sue W
  • "I’m a pharmacist so I know about chemicals. I used to throw in so many different chemicals into our hot tub, trying to get the right balance, but we’d still end up bathing in a chemical soup. With simplesilver™ you just chuck it in forget about it, the hot tub water’s always crystal clear and it doesn’t smell - it's just absolutely the best thing ever!"
    - Yvette Urlich
  • "We purchased a new hot tub and selected a non-chlorine water treatment product (not simplesilver™). After two months of mucking about, water the colour of milk and not getting any better, we had had enough and changed to simplesilver™. It’s been two months now and the hot tub water is as clear as the day we put it in. It’s the best product on the market for hot tubs, so simple! No testing, no chemicals, not having to put in a quick fix each week, anyone that does not use simplesilver™ is clearly mad!! My Saturday task is to clean the filter and replace it with the spare I had cleaned from the previous week, all of 10 minutes, brilliant! Its a fantastic product and worth every cent. Update October 2019 - Just letting you know I am still using simplesilver, must be about 5 years now and have never ever had any problems and the hot tub is still running the same as it was when new. Once again a fantastic product!!"
    - Bruce
  • "I developed a skin thing using the other stuff - chlorine, bromine. I came up with blisters, itching. I tried a range of chemical options but found in the end that nothing solved my problem, until I discovered a fellow sufferer whose skin irritation problems were solved by replacing all the chemicals in his hot tub with simplesilver™. I bought it and sure enough, it was fine. I’ve been able to get back into the hot tub again with no reaction. I’m nothing but pleased with simplesilver™."
    - Paul Mcleod
  • "My skin is really wrecked and sensitive. I used to get skin irritations from the chemicals like chlorine but since I’ve used simplesilver™ I can go into our hot tub and get no side-effects. I Like the fact that you can put in the simplesilver™ tablet and that's it - that's all you have had to do. It’s so simple! You don’t do pH up and pH down and all that. You don’t do anything with simplesilver™ - it just goes on and on and on. We’ve used simplesilver™ for about nine years. I would absolutely recommend it to other people."
    - Zelda Sayers
  • "We have used simplesilver™ in our hot tub for about 12 years and find it amazing!! My husband has very sensitive skin that reacts with traditional chemicals so using simplesilver™ is a real benefit as he can enjoy the hot tub without any side effects. We have told various friends with tubs, all have purchased simplesilver™ and have had the same amazing experiences!!"
    - Bronwyn Steers
  • "We used other chemicals for a while but with simplesilver™ you don’t have to worry about testing the water every day. I like the ease and simplicity of it. Also I like sitting in the hot tub and not having to breathe chemical fumes - and I like the feel of the water with simplesilver™ – it kind of feels soft. I’m very happy with it simplesilver™ and I would absolutely recommend it to everybody."
    - Brenda Fleming
  • "We didn’t like the chlorine. We didn’t like have to deal with them all the time and we didn’t like smelling of chlorine. This simplesilver™ is the easy option – and we don’t have to go and shower after a swim. It’s fantastic stuff. We’ve used it for about eight years and we’ve recommended it to several people. It’s brilliant because we don’t have to do anything and we don’t smell of chlorine after we’ve been in the hot tub. And the hot tub is mint - no effect - just like new. All piping and everything is all working just like new. We’ve never had to do a thing to it. simplesilver™ is just brilliant!"
    - Mrs Green
  • "I have to compliment you on this product. I bought one hoping it would work as it sounded just so simple, almost too good to be true. However, I am about to buy my third and I just cannot praise Simplesilver highly enough. It is simple, it is effective and a pleasure to soak in my spa pool knowing I'm not absorbing nasty chemicals. Thank you. "
    - Sue W
  • "I’m a pharmacist so I know about chemicals. I used to throw in so many different chemicals into our spa pool, trying to get the right balance, but we’d still end up bathing in a chemical soup. With simplesilver™ you just chuck it in forget about it, the spa pool water’s always crystal clear and it doesn’t smell - it's just absolutely the best thing ever!"
    - Yvette Urlich
  • "We purchased a new spa pool and selected a non-chlorine water treatment product (not simplesilver™). After two months of mucking about, water the colour of milk and not getting any better, we had had enough and changed to simplesilver™. It’s been two months now and the spa pool water is as clear as the day we put it in. It’s the best product on the market for spa pools, so simple! No testing, no chemicals, not having to put in a quick fix each week, anyone that does not use simplesilver™ is clearly mad!! My Saturday task is to clean the filter and replace it with the spare I had cleaned from the previous week, all of 10 minutes, brilliant! Its a fantastic product and worth every cent. Update October 2019 - Just letting you know I am still using simplesilver, must be about 5 years now and have never ever had any problems and the spa pool is still running the same as it was when new. Once again a fantastic product!!"
    - Bruce
  • "I developed a skin thing using the other stuff - chlorine, bromine. I came up with blisters, itching. I tried a range of chemical options but found in the end that nothing solved my problem, until I discovered a fellow sufferer whose skin irritation problems were solved by replacing all the chemicals in his spa pool with simplesilver™. I bought it and sure enough, it was fine. I’ve been able to get back into the spa pool again with no reaction. I’m nothing but pleased with simplesilver™."
    - Paul Mcleod
  • "My skin is really wrecked and sensitive. I used to get skin irritations from the chemicals like chlorine but since I’ve used simplesilver™ I can go into our spa pool and get no side-effects. I Like the fact that you can put in the simplesilver™ tablet and that's it - that's all you have had to do. It’s so simple! You don’t do pH up and pH down and all that. You don’t do anything with simplesilver™ - it just goes on and on and on. We’ve used simplesilver™ for about nine years. I would absolutely recommend it to other people."
    - Zelda Sayers
  • "We have used simplesilver™ in our spa pool for about 12 years and find it amazing!! My husband has very sensitive skin that reacts with traditional chemicals so using simplesilver™ is a real benefit as he can enjoy the spa pool without any side effects. We have told various friends with tubs, all have purchased simplesilver™ and have had the same amazing experiences!!"
    - Bronwyn Steers
  • "We used other chemicals for a while but with simplesilver™ you don’t have to worry about testing the water every day. I like the ease and simplicity of it. Also I like sitting in the spa pool and not having to breathe chemical fumes - and I like the feel of the water with simplesilver™ – it kind of feels soft. I’m very happy with it simplesilver™ and I would absolutely recommend it to everybody."
    - Brenda Fleming
  • "We didn’t like the chlorine. We didn’t like have to deal with them all the time and we didn’t like smelling of chlorine. This simplesilver™ is the easy option – and we don’t have to go and shower after a swim. It’s fantastic stuff. We’ve used it for about eight years and we’ve recommended it to several people. It’s brilliant because we don’t have to do anything and we don’t smell of chlorine after we’ve been in the spa pool. And the spa pool is mint - no effect - just like new. All piping and everything is all working just like new. We’ve never had to do a thing to it. simplesilver™ is just brilliant!"
    - Mrs Green
60 day money back
If simplesilver™ doesn’t clear your hot tub, contact us within 60 days from purchase and we’ll give you your money back.
60 day money back
If simplesilver™ doesn’t clear your spa pool, contact us within 60 days from purchase and we’ll give you your money back.
© Copyright 2025 simplesilver™. All rights reserved
Note: simplesilver™ is for domestic hot tub use.
Not for commercial applications.
© Copyright 2025 simplesilver™. All rights reserved
Note: simplesilver™ is for domestic spa pool use.
Not for commercial applications.